Natural Park

Sierra Mariola

A natural park
very rich in flora and fauna

With many vestiges of the use of raw materials.

The Sierra Mariola was declared a Natural Park on January 8th 2002. With an extension of over 16,000 hectares it stretches out across the counties of the Albaida Valley, the Alcoià and the Comptat, including within its boundaries the towns of Agres, Alcoi, Alfafara, Banyeres de Mariola, Bocairent, Cocentaina and Muro. Noteworthy for the proliferation of its founts, springs and fountains, numerous farmsteads, and an extensive network of paths and trails that give testimony to the intensive use of its natural resources by settlers throughout history: ice workers, shepherds, lumberjacks, etc.

One of the area’s most important hallmarks is its ice caves, built between the 16th and 20th centuries in order to store ice. Other architechtonic elements such as farmsteads, castles and chapels can also be found.


Su paisaje vegetal, con más de 1.400 plantas catalogadas, es sin duda un magnífico exponente de biodiversidad de especies con propiedades aromáticas y medicinales: salvia, manzanilla, tomillo, rabet de gat, hipérico, té de roca… Muchas de estas plantas se utilizan en la elaboración de bebidas, como condimento culinario, como remedio de infinidad de afecciones, en la elaboración de perfumes… La mayor parte de la sierra está cubierta de pinos y matorral con brezo, aliagas, jaras, carrascas, tejos…

La fauna la forman anfibios, reptiles, aves (pinzón, perdiz, chamariz, rapaces diurnas como el águila real, el halcón peregrino, el azor… y nocturnas, como el búho real, la lechuza, el cárabo…) y mamíferos (jabalí, conejo, gato salvaje, garduña, comadreja, jineta, tejón, zorra…).

Hay que mencionar también dos elementos de gran relevancia como es el río Vinalopó, que nace en su interior y el pico del Montcabrer, que es la cima más alta del parque con 1.390 m.

The Vinalopó and Montcabrer summit

Two landmarks

Two other important aspects to the sierra also need to be mentioned and they are the Vinalopó river, which has its source in the sierra, and the summit of the Montcabrer, which is the highest point in the park at 1,390 m.

See routes

Video Serra Mariola Foundation


The network of natural parks of Valencia also offers detailed information about the Sierra Mariola, tips for the visit, activities… The Visitor Center in Banyeres de Mariola is a good point to start the visit.